Achieve your fitness goals faster and safer
than ever before

At Lean Dog Fitness, we combine the best personal trainers and the best technology to give you real fitness results faster than ever.

One-to-One Training

Every single workout at Lean Dog is guided by a personal trainer. Our world-class trainers will work with you to develop a plan tailor made to your goals—and with their guidance and motivation, you'll unlock the results you’ve always wanted.

Drop in today to experience the difference our elite personal trainers make.



It’s 2024, which means it’s time to upgrade from old school gravity-based weights.

Lean Dog is proud to offer the only ARX and Vasper units in the state of Nevada. Our cutting edge equipment allows you to recover and exercise safely, comfortably, and efficiently.

These technologies, used by pros in the NFL, Navy SEALs, and NASA, will let you supercharge your fitness like never before.

Visit today to see what the future of fitness feels like.

Measured Results

We take the guess work out of work outs. Unlike other gyms, we track your improvements second by second, to show how your strength and cardio get better from appointment to appointment.

We also offer Styku body scanning, which measures each muscle group in your body down to a tenth of an inch. Gathering this data has helped our clients lose as much as forty pounds in two months.


By the Numbers

  • You’ll have your own personal trainer to guide your training and cheer you on during every session at Lean Dog Fitness.

  • Get you to your goals at light speed with the most advanced training technologies on the planet. You’ll train using the same equipment as NASA astronauts and professional football players.

  • That’s all the time we’ll need per session to get YOU in your best shape ever. Our trainers and technology let us provide the most efficient workout you’ve ever had.


Proudly based in
Henderson, Nevada

Check out our world class facility with a personal tour, and see for yourself what makes Lean Dog so special.

Find us in the Vons shopping center, on the corner of Pecos and Windmill.